Traveller friction is a term describing the wear and tear that business travellers accumulate over time. It includes the stress of coordinating calendars at home and work before a trip, the loss of sleep and poor health habits on the road, and the stress of returning to work with jet lag and increasing work pressures caused by the time away from the office.
What Makes Traveller Friction Happen?
- Regular trips can lead to burnout and decreased job satisfaction.
- Inefficient itineraries, uncomfortable accommodations, and rigid corporate travel policies can heighten stress levels.
- Issues such as jet lag, disrupted sleep patterns, and a lack of access to healthy food options or exercise can contribute to an overall discomfort during business travel.
How to Help Stop Traveller Friction?
- Allow employees more say in their travel arrangements to help reduce stress and enhance their satisfaction with the trip. This includes offering options for premium seating or accommodations tailored to their individual needs.
- Provide resources such as travel management tools or personnel that can help streamline the travel process and alleviate the concerns about logistics and safety.
- Encourage healthy habits during business travel, such as access to fitness facilities or nutritious meals.