Some travel bookers may be worried that they are using their own booking processes which result in causing extra expense for the company. When multiple bookers each use their own approach or solution, having a travel booking process centralised with an Online Booking Tool (OBT) can bring many benefits to a business.
So, what are the benefits of using an OBT?
#1 It saves you time…
It’s a common problem that travel bookers find themselves spending far too much time scouring the internet for the best rates available, leaving no time to get on with more important things. Having an online booking tool provided by a Travel Management Company (TMC) frees up a travel bookers time. This allows the workforce to book the majority if not all of travel themselves, leaving you to concentrate on the tasks associated with your role whilst still managing and having oversight of your company travel. .
#2 One simple centralised solution
Having an online booking tool at the end of your fingertips helps to streamline the booking process. Travel Bookers will have a dedicated login, in which the Online Booking tool will know who they are: their travel preferences, preferred suppliers, and personal travel records. It helps to alleviate some of the stresses associated with booking travel whilst leaving you in control of keeping all travel bookers compliant with company travel policy.
#3 It saves you money…
All users will have access to the same content and deal available on the internet, meaning savings can be achieved through visual guilt. You can set the parameters of spend, but bookers are usually likely to choose the lowest costing option when they see a range of fares and options available to them on the screen in one place. You will save money quickly and easily by paying a lower service fee than you would for booking over the telephone. A good Travel Management Company, will provide an experienced account manager gaining access to corporate rates and discounts, ensuring you find the best deal within every search.
#4 Anywhere, anytime
From booking flights to Dubai or arranging rail tickets to London, bookings can be made anywhere! All you will need is an Internet connection, so take up a spot on the train or local coffee shop, connect to their Wi- Fi and book online. An online booking tool will never replace the service an experienced travel consultant could give, but it could be one of the solutions to work in complete harmony with the offline travel teams to help your organisation and its travellers benefit from a simple complete and quick solution to travel booking.
#5 Analysis
Depending upon the capabilities of your Online Booking tool, you will be able to track all of your travel bookers travel preferences, personal travel records, and preferred suppliers all in one place. Having this data available, teamed with your TMC’s management information metrics, will provide valuable insight into your business travel activity. By leveraging this data, you can identify opportunities for improvements within your business travel programme.