Neurodiversity & Me

3 min read

Liam has been on his apprenticeship journey with Good Travel Management, for about 6 months now. His day-to-day role gets him involved in speaking to clients, and suppliers and regularly booking UK rail, hotels, and car services and has recently started some flight training too.  

Liam tells us his amazing story of Neurodiversity & Me, have a read below. 

So, Liam, tell us about your personal journey with autism? 

I have only been diagnosed with Autism in the last three years. I always felt different to others when I was growing up, but the diagnosis doesn’t seem to have changed me, I don’t feel any different. I think the diagnosis was more important for my family. 

How does autism impact you daily? 

I feel like I need to be organised, at work I try to get everything finished before I leave and in my personal life, I need a good routine.  Some of my evening meals are routine as well for example, I always have Pizza on a Wednesday, Fish and Chips on a Friday and a curry on a Saturday.  If I stepped out of this routine I would feel out of sync and uncomfortable. 

What techniques do you have in place to help you? 

I keep Tangle Fidget Toys or Stress Balls on my desk or in my coat pocket, to help with anxiety and music helps to soothe me outside of work.  

What is your current role at John Good Group? 

I’m currently working on a Business Travel apprenticeship with Good Travel Management. I have a keen interest in the travel industry, particularly the airline industry. 

What is your long-term job ambition? 

I would like to complete the apprenticeship and continue to work at Good Travel Management and eventually run the business.  

Tell us about your experiences of neurodiversity at work. 

This is difficult to answer as it’s my first full-time job.  I do feel like I am treated fairly within my role and if I ever need help, there is always someone around to help. 

What has been helpful at work? 

Sitting with colleagues and learning the different elements of the role have been helpful, once I am shown something a couple of times then I feel confident to try the task myself. 

What would be your advice to other neurodivergent individuals entering the workplace? 

Be honest with your employer about how you feel and what you need.  It’s good for the employer to understand how you work and how you process information. 

When I joined Good Travel Management, I was very nervous to speak about my autism, but I feel I can be more honest with my manager now. 

What advice would you give to employers on how best to support neurodiversity in the workplace? 

Understand the person’s needs, they might work differently from others, but they will build up an understanding of the processes eventually. Be patient. 

We are empowering neurodivergent individuals to achieve their potential and our mission is to change the narrative, increase acceptance and understanding, provide education to all our employees and celebrate neurodiversity.   

It is time to recognise the many strengths and talents that come from thinking and perceiving the world differently.  
